Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Types of digital Cameras

Digital Cameras
- Compact
- Digital Reflex o D-SLR
- Medium Digital Format
- Large Format
- Others

Compact Cameras: 
Are small cameras that have a reduced size. The lens can't be changed and the screen of the camera can change depending on the model. 

Digital Reflex
Digital single lens reflex system. What you see throughout the screen is exactly what you see at the end image. These are more complex cameras and more versatile than the compact. Here it is possible to change the lens and interact with various accessories.  

Medium Format
These are cameras with a reflex system which are bigger and heavier. ITs sensor or digital back up is larger than from a conventional Reflex camera and may or may not be integrated in the camera. The cost of these cameras is also higher than the previously mentioned. They are sued professionally in fashion, studio and landscape. 

Large Format
Very big and voluminous cameras. They are very flexible in their use and allow an selective focus. They use digital back ups to capture the image and are used in professional disciplines like studio, architecture or landscapes. 

Other Digital Cameras:
There are many different kind of specific cameras for different uses like panoramic or sub aquatics. 

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