Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Granata Pet Snack creative use of Foursquare

Good morning,

Today I came across a very creative use of social media. The German Brand Granata Pet did a campaign in a German city where at the moment where you checked in with Foursquare they dispensed food for your pet. This is a vey intelligent way to use Foursquare, and leaves the customers happy which will result at the end in good repercussion in social media.

For the people that do not know what Foursquare is, it is a location based app that works in a manner of a game. You check in in places and get rewarded for checking in every time.

The youtube video has already 17,000 views on youtube until today. This is a lesson that you don't have to be a huge brand to use creatively the social tools that are to available to everyone!

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