Thursday, March 1, 2012

Facebook Timeline for pages. What does this mean for me as a SME?

This morning Facebook announced that they will start rolling out the new format of Timeline for professional pages. This is the format that you have start to see with your friends. Although it means some changes for you, it also gives you new potential and new tools to engage with your customers.
So whats the impact that this change will have on me?

Timeline Features
-Cover Photo: Its is a new wide cover image 
-Pin Posts: Anchor your most relevant posts at the upper part of your timeline for up to seven days
-Private Messages: You can improve the communication with your fans through private messages

Preview and Rollout
-Timeline will be available on March 30 but you can start previewing and making changes to your timeline. But remember on March 30 to will change automatically. 

Changes to Default Tabs
Facebok has removed this feature when a visitor hits your Fan page that he ends up first on a default landing page. The Timeline will be the default view now for your fan page. Nevertheless there will be big icons linking your custom tabs.

Changes to Wider Tabs
The available space for custom tabs has been increase from 520px to 810 px.

I will be starting early to experiment with the new features and hope to give my clients and friends a good social media experience and tips through my two sites:


Have a great day!


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