Saturday, April 16, 2011

Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz is one of the most famous photographers alive today. She shoots for magazines, was Rolling Stone’s photographer, and has made images of many of the world’s most famous people. She became the Rolling Stone’s official Photographer during one of their tours and made impressive pictures.
She has a very interesting technique to shoot her photographies. She says there are two souls represented in each picture, one being the soul of the person being photographed and the other, the one of the photographer. 
What I thought was the most interesting part of this documentary is that Annie says that she tries to blend into the environment she is documenting, so while touring with the Rolling Stones she lives the same experience as the Rock Band. She gets so involved, that she manages to get the more decadent perspective of touring. This is interesting because many people regard this lifestyle as something they would like to aspire, and many of the pictures take away the glamour and show a more human, real perspective of this.
I am most impressed that she managed to get away from her beginning style of photography and by these evolved to one of the best photographers of today. 

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