Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tripoli: Libya international world youth summit

Last week I flew to Tripoli, Libya for the international youth summit. 
Libya wants to give a more juvenile and open image of their country. My task was to represent the mexican youth and network with young world leaders. 
Their hospitality was amazing and Libya has definitely things to offer. Although it is one of the most conservative countries in Africa, we rarely got the feeling of insecurity or danger. The conference included an invitation to a beautiful seven stars hotel called Rixos with everything included and diplomatic treatment throughout our stay in the country. Of course most of the networking happened between latin american countries , since our cultures are very similar and some of us already knew each other. 
We got the honor to meet interesting people, like Muhammed Al Gadaffi, government representatives from Libya and other countries, International Filmmakers and young world leaders from different sectors. Most impressive for me was the presentations by their government representatives, where they exposed their countries future investments and construction plans.. Libya is aiming in becoming  an international city and grow in industries such as tourism, and oil exportation. The most interesting project was a river from the south to the north of Tripoli which due to pressure and location and hight flew natural bringing water reserves to the north .
In the following there are some pictures posted from the conference and the delegations which were represented at the conference.

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