Saturday, April 16, 2011


 I just read a very entertaining book called Freakonomics by Steven D Levitt and Stephen J Dubner, both  outcast economists who have a different perspective on economic theories...

The book gives a little glimpse on economic theories mostly based on incentives and information asymmetry. Incentive theory describes human behavior and actions as a result of incentives set to them and Information asymmetry describes a situation in which one person has a rather better access to information than the other partner of a transaction. With these theories they try to describe situations like drug dealing, cheating in Japans Sumo competition and other peculiar sitauations. The book is wiedely entertaining and full of curios Facts.  If it will change your life….probably not but itll enteratain you for a while and let you see economics from another perspective. The most interesting proposition is that crime rates sinked due to the case Wade VS Row in which abortion became legal and as a result crime decreased because there were less not –wanted children born which are more likely to become criminals. If you have some time, its easy to read, entertaining and a good recommendation.

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