Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stains that leave marks in history

This campaign came out as the result of a photo shooting with Juan Cruz Durán ( 
The idea is to raise awareness to oil spills. News about these catastrophes only stay in the news for a few weeks an then vanish. However the consequences of these events are felt long after, and leave deep scars in natural ecosystems. 
The idea emerged from the obnoxious stains that happen sometimes when a pen explodes and the ink stays in the shirt. How come that we are more disgusted by a stain like this, when we can wash the shirt or even throw it out? and a stain that affects a whole ecosystem and deteriorates the health of our planet manages to go by without a lot of people caring?
First there is the video of the photo shooting on a saturday at 10 am...

If you want to see how the other campaigns turned out. Check out the official blog of our masters program, they should be posted there at some point.
Here are the results of the pictures, after being edited.

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